I covet your prayers for wisdom, for humility, and for courage to boldly preach the whole Gospel.


First, let me dispense with some information for those that may be interested.

God’s been gracious in allowing me to visit a few churches and events over the next six weeks as part of a mini book tour for Overrated. Folks can pre-order the book now at your favorite online store and at stores on September 1 but if you’re anywhere around these cities, please be my guest. It’ll be a joy to meet you and to encourage one another in Christ:

August 10 – New Life Fellowship, NYC (Queens)
August 17 – Overlake Church 9am/11am
August 31 – Antioch Church (Bend, Oregon)
September 7 – Engedi Church, (Holland, MI)
September 13-14 – Ecclesia Church (Houston, TX)
September 19 – Collyde Conference (Rockaway, NJ)
September 21 – Metro Church (Englewood/Fort Lee, NJ)
September 28 – The Meeting House (Toronto) *
*still discussing content

Some of you may know but I’m currently on a three month sabbatical. I so deeply appreciate my church, my congregation, my leadership, and my fellow staff – for allowing me to take this time to rest, retreat, and in the middle of this, to prepare for the release of my first book, Overrated.

Since the launch of my sabbatical (since July 1), I’ve been retreating, hiking, resting, fishing, disconnecting and spending much time with trees. It’s been refreshing to say the least. This is also good because I’ll need to do a little juggling as the book releases on September 1 and I’ll soon be traveling (just on weekends) to visit some churches to share the message that I feel God has placed upon my heart in authoring this book.

As a first time publisher, this is all new to me. And I suspect that – by God’s grace – as I write future books, this will always feel a little strange to me.

Which is why I’d really appreciate your prayers.

Prayers for wisdom.

I believe in this book. Rather, I believe in the message of this book. It’s something that God has been working in my life for many years and one of my prayers about the book has nothing to do about the book selling well. Yes, of course, I want folks to read it but for importantly, I just pray that it’ll bless, challenge, convict, and edify the body of Christ…

Overrated is, ultimately, a book about discipleship so it’s my prayer that it helps the believer grow in their discipleship and a non-Christian to be fascinated by the Gospel.

Prayers for humility.

Prayers for balance and humility as I continue to juggle – like all of you – the numerous passions of our lives. What matters to me isn’t being an author, or selling books, being a pastor, or even being a husband or father. I know it sounds almost nonsensical but I simply want to be faithful in response to the Gospel in my life. This is what I pray will continue to inform and transform me as a follower of Christ, husband to Minhee, father to our three children, pastor at Quest, visioneer at One Day’s Wages and QCafe…

As an extreme introvert, I have mixed feelings about this season of my life. I’m encouraged by the opportunity to share more deeply the convictions that God has placed upon my heart. I feel so blessed to be one of the pastors at Quest. I’m floored by God’s grace that I have the opportunity to proclaim and preach the whole Gospel throughout various cities and countries, and I’m wrestling through the other stuff and attention that accompany these things and a new book.

Prayers to boldly preach the whole Gospel.

Pray that I can be about my Father’s business (ref Luke 2:49). Pray that I can be bold in proclaiming and preaching the Gospel of Christ. Pray that I may be sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit. Pray for courage.

With opportunities and requests, pray that I may have discernment in knowing when to say, “Yes” and when to say, “No.”

I want to be about my Father’s heart and ‘business.’
This is who I want to be about. This is what I want to be about.

Here’s the official book trailer.

If it resonates with you, please take a minute to share it with your friends, church, or social network:


11 Replies to “I covet your prayers for wisdom, for humility, and for courage to boldly preach the whole Gospel.”

  1. Praying the God will give wisdom courage and peace and you speak the truth of the living gospel. God bless you and your family. Your sister in Christ.

  2. God will grant you His wisdom, that is His promise (James 1:5). You already have humility for in the simple request for it, He knows your heart – you are “humbling yourself” and His word declares that when you do that He will “lift you up”. His lifting will bring with it boldness for God has already given you a spirit of love, power and self control – not of timidity – to preach with all your heart! You have nothing to fear at all, Eugene. Your God almighty is not only FOR YOU, but GOES BEFORE YOU!

  3. I’m praying for you buddy. You’re in a dangerous place – a life of far reaching impact with high visibility. Don’t forget that only you can be the husband and father to your family, Any other role/hat your wear can be covered by someone else if needed.

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